We are now looking for contributors both financially and technically, especially from front-end, back-end developers as well as Web3 developers familiar with Solidity, NEAR's Aurora and well versed in Ethereum smart contract standards such as ERC1155 as well as EIP 2535 diamond standard, etc. We have laid out our concept in the whitepaper as well as our video clips explanation, if you are interested, please do check it out. We wanted to use a re-purposed NFT standards for tokenising services that links to a real world, physical execution of that service and/or products, thereby helping service providers (the freelancer or any businesses) to 'productise' their services to make it easier to measure their key performance vs what they promised as well as to allow their clients to easily look for them and buy or bid for their services.
Ultimately when Decentrefy expands to cover more industries, starting from tech to more commercial related industries like digital marketing, financially related industries such as auditing, insurance, etc, etc.. a higher layer (Layer 3) applications can be built by communities representing different industries.
Eventually, NFST (Non-Fungible Service Token) the re-purposed NFT, will become like a key that opens many doors. Everyone will have at least one if not more NFSTs, one that covers their own personal skills, experience, qualification, referrals, etc and one or more for their businesses. Making it so much easier for keen clients (or employers) to search and buy their NFSTs.